Frequently Asked Questions​

We can tell you will love everything about The Royal Paw Boarding

When dogs are around other dogs and animals, any illness is possible to catch. We sanitize all of our suites, potty area, floors, play area, and bowls on a regular basis, ensuring your dogs’ safety is our priority.

  1. Depending on the size of your dogs, their temperament, and the availability of particular suites, they absolutely are able to stay together in the same suite. 

Our drop off/pick up windows are from Monday-Saturday 9:00-10:00am and 6:30-7:30pm.

Sundays will be 6:30-7:30PM only.

If afternoon pick ups are selected, an additional $15 will be added due to the daycare costs for caring for your pup throughout the majority of that day. 

Actually, yes, we do! The first dog is regular price ($45 per night) and the first two siblings (2nd or more dogs) are $40 a night. We also offer a FREE 8th night after staying 7 consecutive nights. 

Walking is an added service that at this time, we do not offer. They will have multiple designated play times with staff and other dogs (depending on temperament with other dogs). 

Yes, we have an outdoor play area as well as outdoor runs and suites for fresh air time.

Yes, as long as they are not toys that are ingestible if chewed, including beds and stuffed animals. We are NOT liable for any incidents that may occur with items brought in by the owners. We do provide sanitized rugged chew toys in various sizes for the dogs. 

Absolutely! We have a refrigerator for food that needs to be kept cold, including medicines. It is HIGHLY recommended to leave a detailed feeding/medicine breakdown, including food broken down by day in separate bags (For example, if your dog eats 3 meals of dry dog food a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you can have three bags that may say “Monday – AM”, “Monday – Lunch” “Monday – PM”)

Yes, of course! Please see above. We do NOT recommend having your dog put on a new medicine before leaving them with us due to any possible allergic reactions. We will contact you and a vet if we feel your dog is in need of urgent care due to a reaction.

Our kennel has amazing ice cold air flow with 2 large mini-split AC systems and a large ceiling fan. And even though we don’t need it too often in Florida, we have heat capability as well. The individual suites do not have any individual AC units, but our two units more than compensate for the individual need for units in each suite.

Yes in their individual pens, but we have on staff on site 24/7. The dogs are NEVER left alone when outside during play time with other dogs. 

Yes, but the dogs will be monitored to see if they are chewing on the beds. If beds are chewed, dirtied, or have any other issues, the beds will be taken out of the suite. 

Puppies will have extra outside time due to potty training, social skills, etc. 

No. We do suggest you be upfront and honest if there are any social issues with your dog when it comes to humans or other dogs, as well as any health issues, allergies, etc.

Yes, please see above about providing your dog’s food into individual feeding time packages. If food is forgotten, there is a charge for the trip to get the food plus the cost of the product. 

48 hours for online booking is highly suggested to get availability for the dates you want. There will be a non-refundable deposit when booking your stay to secure your spot.

You are welcome to, but we try to update all owners every 48 hours with pictures or texts and always will call owners if there is a cause for concern. SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY. Fun comes a close second 🙂 

Yes, over 16 weeks old with all shot records.

We have a schedule of 7 am for breakfast and 6 pm for dinner and there is a small upcharge if your dog needs to be fed 3 or more times per day to their specific schedules. We have also had dogs that get fed once per day per their instruction, which is totally fine as well. 

We will immediately contact both owners of the dogs involved and based on the severity of the incident, dogs will be sent to the vet. We are not liable for incidents per the liability form that is signed prior to boarding with us. We use extreme caution when combining dogs for outdoor play – not only do we carefully observe initial temperament when introducing new dogs to each other, but we also ALWAYS use supervision when dogs are playing with each other. We also have necessary measures in the event of a dog altercation, such as air-horns, a hose, and other safe and proven mechanisms to separate dogs in the event of an incident. 

We have custom-built suites, not crates – We have three-sized suites to choose from:

We have 10 Small suites, that are suitable for breeds 1-20 pounds,

2 medium suites that are suitable for breeds 20-40 pounds OR two smaller dogs, 5 large suites suitable for 40 pounds or more OR a mix of smaller/medium/large siblings that is deemed safe. Our suites are very spacious with tiled side walls and flooring for easy sanitation and cleanup. 

For Boarding, we require proof of up-to-date Rabies, Distemper, and Bordatella vaccines. Veterinarians can provide these shot records easily via email, which can be scanned into your account online and even a clear screenshot with your phone if online issues arise when uploading. We will NOT take any dogs without proof of up-to-date vaccinations listed above.

Make a reservation today!

Again, SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY. We look forward to serving you while allowing you the time and freedom to do what you want/need to do either on vacation, business, or other while we care for your loved ones in a safe and caring environment. Thank you!


Fort Myers

Grooming Only

Babcock Ranch

Grooming & Daycare

Punta Gorda

Boarding Only